In-person consultation event on the European Model Clauses (EMCs)
Join us for an in person consultation of the EMCs
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2024 from 4:00-5:30pm
(light reception to follow until 6:30 pm)
White & Case, Geneva, 3rd floor, 3 Quai du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Geneva
Please register using RSVP below as space is limited to 25 participants for this session
What Are the EMCs?
The European Model Clauses (EMCs) are a set of model clauses that aim to support effective human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD). They are designed to be in alignment with the requirements of the new EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which entered into force in July of 2024. The Zero Draft of the EMCs was prepared by the European Working Group, an independent group of legal practitioners and academics from across Europe.
EMCs Consultations
Consultations for the Zero Draft are being coordinated by the Responsible Contracting Project (RCP) with generous support from the German development assistance organisation, GIZ. The consultations aim to ensure that the first official version of the EMCs (the EMCs 1.0) is the product of an inclusive, balanced, and legitimate process. Various stakeholder groups, including in-scope companies and smaller companies in the Global North and the Global South, law firms, civil society organisations, academics, think tanks, consultancies, and national and international governmental organisations, are encouraged to submit feedback.
This session of the consultations will be dedicated to receiving feedback on the Zero Draft of the EMCs from participants. We will begin with a short presentation of the EMCs by members of the European Working Group, which will be followed by a group discussion on the EMCs.
For more information on the EMCs and the consultation process, please visit the EMCs Toolkit page.